SZS serises automatic the steam boliers
SZS serises automatic the steam boliers
SZS serises automatic
the steam boliers
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SZS serises automatic the steam boliers
SZS serise oil-fired,gas-fired boliers
With D-type arrangement,natural recycling.double-drum water tube boiler
longitudinal dum.Fill memtrane wall stucure.Slighty positive pressure combustion Furnace is wrapped by membrane wall,smoke enter the convection bank which is between the upper and lower drum from furnace exit.and thenenter the tail heating rfae--steel spiral fin economizer.
The unique advantages of this series boiler as following:
1.Full membrane wll structure.Body is not leakage.Exhaust loss is little,high thermal efficiency.
2.Compact Structure,Installing small,Less investment.
3Steam boilers adopts natural recycling and larger boiler
adopts ejector cycle,water circulation is safe and reliable.
4. With well-known,highly efficient burner auxiliary equipment and accessories,fuly
automatic operation.
5.Perfect control system to ensure the safe operation of the boiler.