SHL series bulk boiler


SHL series bulk boiler

product description

SHL  series bulk boiler





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SHL series double drum transverse type chain grate boilers, with air preheater tail, combustion equipment using scale chain grate, with high-quality auxiliary equipment, accessories and improve the automatic control equipment to ensure the boiler safe, stable and economical , Efficient operation.
Boiler Features:
1, full boiler output, design efficiency.
2, the use of scale chain grate, do not leak coal. Less fuel heat loss.
3, the use of a separate sealed wind chamber, the wind chamber between the wind is not, individually adjusted, and easy to adjust, can reasonably organize the fuel burn.
4, the rear heated surface air preheater, exhaust gas temperature in the lower, while increasing the temperature of the boiler to the wind, to promote timely fuel fire and burn out.
5, Furnace outlet with anti-slag pipe, to avoid close-packed convection tube bundle, enhance heat transfer.
6, the convection tube bundle with flue gas guide plate, guide flue gas horizontal tube bundle, improve the flue gas heat transfer coefficient.
7, with the appropriate position in the boiler with access doors and look at the fire door, easy maintenance; in the easy-ash area with a blowing mouth. Effectively get rid of boiler tube bundle fouling, to ensure boiler output.
8, to achieve the water supply, coal control, and overpressure (steam) over-temperature chain protection devices to ensure the safe operation of the boiler.
9, the entire boiler bulk factory to avoid quick-loading boilers in the transport process of sulfur accident to ensure the overall performance of the boiler.


SHL  series bulk boiler





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