Dry quenching waste heat recovery boiler


Dry quenching waste heat recovery boiler

product description

Dry quenching waste heat
recovery boiler




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Dry quenching waste heat recovery boiler





Dry coke quenching technology is an energy-saving technology widely used at home and abroad. With the further development of the dry quenching technology, the high efficiency of the dry quenching system and the large-scale development have become the future development direction. In the CDQ technology system, because the CDQ waste heat boiler is an indispensable key component of the circulatory system, the safe, stable and economical operation of the CDQ waste heat boiler is directly related to the benefit of CDQ production. 

Technical characteristics

●Boiler wall with membrane water wall, to minimize air leakage, reliable sealing;
●Both natural circulation and forced circulation are used in the centralized downfall tube structure.
●Boiler superheater convection heating surface with suspension structure
●The lower evaporator and the economizer are finned tube structures.

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